Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

"The Hands of Time" - I'm always looking to push my storytelling and my craft so this year my Mother's Day tribute takes a different approach from my usual fare. I focused on hands because as newborns one of the only things we can do to interact with the world is to reach out aimlessly in what must be nonsensical haze. And because one of the very first things to reach back and let us know that we're not alone - that there's someone there to catch us, to reassure us that things are going to be ok - is our mother's hand. That first touch is one of the most important social contracts we make, and we can only be so lucky to be able to return the favor. To reassure our mothers when the nonsensical haze begins to surround them that they are not alone - that there's someone there who's thankful for everything they did and that we'll be ok thanks to them. Thank you, mom, for everything that you do!

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